October 28 @ 1 PM CST
Advantages of Laser Plastic Welding – Compared and Contrasted to Other Welding Methods
Laser plastic welding, in addition to being the ‘cleanest’ plastic welding method, has many other advantages to consider when evaluating technologies for assembly and manufacturing of your plastic products. Hot plate, vibration, non-contact IR and ultrasonic are among the other most utilized plastic welding technologies. We will compare and contrast all the technologies.
Our Guest Speaker - Drew Jegerhuis
Drew Jelgerhuis has 30 plus years of experience in the plastics industry ranging from automotive molding and assembly to multiple plastic joining technologies including hot plate, spin, vibration, IR, laser and ultrasonic welding. He has worked in multiple groups within Extol including project management, quote estimating, business unit management and all aspects of sales. Drew has an automotive product patent and was part of the Extol team that won a PACE Award for their proprietary InfraWeld process. When he is not playing with plastic you can find him paddle boarding on Lake Michigan.
Drew Jelgerhuis Laser Welding Specialist