June 02, 2021 @ 1 PM CST
Making Medical Device Designs with Silicone Elastomer
Finely tuned formulations are nowhere more important than in healthcare & medical device applications. From ease of processability in manufacturing to enhanced comfort when in contact with the human body, Momentive silicones can meet the demands of the healthcare & medical device industry. Momentive’s family of liquid silicone rubber materials (LSR) enables healthcare device designers and equipment manufacturers to introduce improved material features for critical applications such as needle-free access valves, respiratory masks, seals and assembled parts.
Momentive´s SiloprenTM LSR 4655 SL can provide enhanced lubricity for specialized applications requiring a high-slip surface not achievable via traditional silicone molded parts. Silopren LSR 4749 can be considered for manufacturing articles where plastics and elastomers need to be chemically combined in an over-molding or insert-molding process.
This 60-minute Webinar examines the challenges of medical device manufacturers and demonstrates enabling solutions.
An audience Q&A follows the technical presentation.

Our Guest Speakers -
Chris Claussen has 22 years of elastomer expertise. Chris currently is the silicone elastomer Global Marketing Manager for Healthcare at Momentive Performance Materials. Chris has held other leadership roles within Momentive, including Regional Marketing Manager for Consumer Goods (North America), Field Market Developer (Healthcare & Consumer) and Account Manager.
Chris holds an MBA from Indiana University and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from University of Wisconsin Stevens Point.

Chris Claussen Global Marketing Manager Healthcare
Stacey Guilford has 25+ years of engineering and marketing experience in the chemicals industry and has focused on the healthcare market for the last 13 years. She enjoys working directly with healthcare companies to help them find the right silicone elastomer for their needs. Her career has included technical and marketing positions at GE Plastics, GE Silicones, Akzo Nobel Industrial Finishes and Momentive. She graduated with a Master of Engineering degree and a Bachelor of Science degree both with focus in chemical engineering from the University of Louisville.

Stacey Guilford Americas Healthcare Marketing Manager
Momentive Performance Materials
Clemens Trumm is the Expert of the Application Development Center for elastomers at Momentive Performance Materials in Leverkusen. His background is processing engineer for plastics. Clemens started working with liquid silicone rubbers in 1997. Before this he worked on plastic injection molding projects as well as in a research and development role in various market segments. Since 2001 he leads a global acting team focused on new applications and processing technologies for LSR.

Clemens Trumm Expert Application Development
Momentive Performance Materials