Determining Optimum Injection Speeds Beyond the “Viscosity” or “In Mold Rheology” Curve.

Determining optimum injection speeds beyond the “viscosity” or “in mold rheology” curve. Additional Scientific Molding Techniques including cavity imbalance testing, velocity capability/injection speed linearity and the ability to transfer from the velocity control to pressure control phases (VPT response) will be discussed. Data will be applied to Hybrid, All-Electric, and Vintage Hydraulic machines.

Speaker: Umberto Catignani, President, Orbital Plastics Consulting
Mr. Catignani is President of Orbital Plastics Consulting, Inc., a consulting firm that has over 100 years of combined experience in processing, material selection, part design, failure analysis, tooling and equipment selection. https://www.orbitalplastics.com/
Mr. Catignani is Past President of the Southern Section of SPE and has over 25 years of hands-on injection molding experience. He has certified and trained hundreds of plastic professionals in the industry. Past employers include IBM, General Motors, Delphi Automotive and Husky Injection Molding Systems.
Mr. Catignani holds a Masters in Polymer Engineering from The University of Akron and a Bachelors in Materials Engineering from the University of Cincinnati.

Umberto Catignani, President, Orbital Plastics Consulting